Thursday, August 20, 2020

. what's that in the sea!


Sharks do not have bones, Most sharks have good eyesight. How sharp is their teeth? good question. Shark teeth are something like the teeth of land predators. They have very sharp points that will cut into meat. Sharks can go into trance They have been around a very long time. Scientists age sharks by counting the rings on their vertebrae. Shark skin feel similar to sandpaper.SHARKS AND THE INCREDIBLE BENEFITS OF SHARK OIL - Lovely Health


  1. Kia ora Tevini I really like your facts about sharks. They are really interesting and now I can learn more about sea life. I also liked how you described it how you ask a question keep on blogging Tevini.

  2. Kia Ora Tevini I like your facts about the shark . I think you should add more photos. To your blog post and some capitals letters in some places and I think you need to fix your writing.


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